Foreign Born "Early Warnings" from Monte Lomax on Vimeo.
I remember the build up on the way to family events as a kid. Car rides down winding country roads led us through valleys & foothills. I spent a lot of time looking out the window - the sunlight hitting my face when it found it's way through the trees. The party we were attending one afternoon met at a park/campground. Though the campground part was full of weeds & dirt, the perimeter was lined with shade from trees with creeks & ponds. On the road my brother & I were reminded about how we should behave. Instead of listening, I was watching the trees - planning my attack on the park. We found most of the kids at the playground, fighting over swings. Fighting was of no interest to the two of us. I took my cue w/ a nod from Aaron, and we were off to the creek to explore. Rocks covered with algae & tall weeds at the edge of the creek were no match for our adventuring skills. We were on a quest in the uncharted waters of the pond - for tadpoles. Hours would go by & we'd fill styrofoam cups with the best potential frogs we could find. We returned home the tadpoles were relocated to jars in their new home we called our backyard. It never really occurred to me they might not like it at our home as much as we did, but it was still one of the best things to feel like we rescued them somehow.